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    Water Treatment Plant Installs Custom FRP Baffle Wall Application

    Location: New Orleans, Louisiana  |   Project: Carrollton Water Treatment Plant Baffle Panel Installation  |   Product: AquaSpan Baffle H Panel
    • For this application, Enduro custom-designed AquaSpan™ H Baffle Panels specifically for use as a structural baffle wall. The material’s premium resin system was developed to ensure corrosion resistance, long service life, and to meet NSF certification requirements. Features of the design included 2.75” panel depth, which enabled the contractor to form slots in the concrete columns to eliminate structural angles and fasteners. The design concept was the forerunner of the innovative Enduro Slide Guide design, which now includes FRP beams with built-in slide guide angles. The Enduro ribbed panel configuration, panel depth 1/4” thickness, and 60% glass fiber reinforcing content resulted in a panel of exceptional strength and significantly decreased framing requirements. The structural baffle walls eliminated dead spots and helped ensure “first in, first out” water flow.

      The panels have lasted more than 20 years in the chlorine contacts basins at the Carrollton Plant in New Orleans and remain in service today. This has included standing up to the severe winds from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and other harsh conditions during this timeframe. In addition to outstanding service, the FRP panels have offered a more environmentally friendly option as compared to redwood planks.